What is an MVP? Design and Develop Successful Software with a Minimum Viable Product

Behind every great technology startup is a great idea — and a great app. If you ask anyone who’s ever successfully navigated their way through the challenges of product design, development and launch if they have a secret weapon, you’re likely to hear about the importance of minimal viable product (MVP) in app design. But what is it, really? And how can you use it to deliver the most successful product to your users?

What Is Minimal Viable Product (MVP)?

MVP app design and development is an important concept in the creation of early-stage digital products. It’s all about getting your app in market as soon as possible so it can be tested by real users. It has been proven to be the fastest way to take products from the ideation to market. Then, based on user feedback, app developers and designers can tweak and improve your product to respond to what is learned.

Some people think of it as getting an unfinished product out to market. That’s not true. In fact, for the MVP to really work its magic, it should look and feel finished, with all its core functions up and running.

Think back to the first time you used Facebook or Twitter. Neither looked exactly like it does today, right? Like all successful tech startups, those companies are constantly reevaluating and reassessing design and functionality so that they evolve over time to deliver outstanding experiences and value to their users.

An Minimum Viable Product delivers value to your customer at every step.

An MVP delivers value to your customer at every step.

Benefits of MVP App Design

Now that you have a better feel for what MVP is, let’s take a closer look at why so many startups use it. There are many reasons big name companies like Dropbox, Uber, and Zappos have relied on this concept.

  • Quickly get your core product in a user’s hands.
  • Spend less money on implementation.
  • Avoid losses in capital and minimize the risk of failure.
  • Gain insight from real users to allow for more informed product decisions.

The MVP Process

In truth, MVP app design is a complex process. But to give you a good overview of how it works, we have simplified it into the 3 cyclical phases:

  • Learn: Determine which features (or improvements) are the most crucial — those that must exist for the app to provide value.
  • Create: Design and develop the app in its most minimal form. Once built, keep evolving according to the feedback and data you uncover.
  • Measure: Analytics, data capture, and user feedback are all crucial to understanding how successful the app is, and what it needs to continue meeting users’ needs.

minimum viable product create measure learn

Working with a skilled, qualified team of mobile app developers is another important factor. After all, releasing a glitchy app can kill your startup before it even gets off the ground. Roket’s experienced Pittsburgh app development team designs beautifully, builds thoughtfully, and delivers quickly. We focus on getting your app out faster to help you take your startup further.