Design & Development Services
- Brand Development
- Identity Design
- Product Research & Definition
- Information Architecture (IA)
- User Experience Design (UX)
- User Interface Design (UI)
- Mobile Development
We interviewed dozens of potential users, including Children Youth and Famlies (CYF) caseworkers, lawyers, and investigators. We also observed meetings between CYF caseworkers and the families they serve. We wanted to intimately understand the users, their environment, and their daily activities, needs, and responsibilities, before making our feature and technology recommendations.
We uncovered the following 3 issues and identified their solutions.
Poor communication occurs between clients and their CYF caseworker because clients often do not have stable phone numbers.
- Require clients to have an email address
- Give clients the ability to update their own contact information within the app
- Provide a text-messaging service to provide a direct connection between clients and caseworkers
- Integrate push notifications for messages
- Incorporate an address book to provide quick access for case-related contacts
Clients lack a complete understanding of their legal and attendance requirements. This can affect their parental rights.
- Import clients' current court-ordered action items into an interactive to-do list
- Provide the client with a dynamic calendar
- Integrate push notifications for event reminders
- Allow event exporting
- Design section introductions for new users
Clients do not have easy access to the service provider or case-related contacts they need to better their situation.
- Add a location-based service provider directory
- Feature an address book with quick access to case-related contacts
- Include the CYF’s guide book in the app for easy access
- Integrate push notification for events and messages
Through our research, we learned that a client who didn’t have a smartphone was rare. We also discovered that the majority of clients used Android as their mobile OS. We moved forward with Android and held off on iOS.

We envisioned this application as a part of a larger suite of apps, with the goal of bettering the delivery of public services by streamlining the process and improving access for all parties. We built the branding and architected the application with this future in mind.

The application’s user experience was designed to follow convention. Familiar interactions make users comfortable, and a comfortable user is more likely to keep using the app and use it successfully.
The application is currently in pilot testing with small groups of caseworkers and clients involved with CYF.

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